Regular maintenance of telecommunication structures, especially steel structures such as masts and towers, is necessary and often expensive. But when maintenance is neglected, the results can be very costly – even resulting in structural collapse.
As a rule, inspection of telecommunication sites requires climbing and a visual check of the structures. Every struc- tural part is subjected to inspection, this of course also includes checking foundations.
The operation and maintenance of telecommunication installations have made up an important part of ZIMA GC’s services for more than 6 years. We have conducted inspec- tion and maintenance programs on all sorts of telecommu- nication structures in Middle East. Recently we were also asked to include inspections and measurements on other parts of the passive infrastructure in the maintenance program, such as power supply and electrical installations
Our scope of services is managing the operations of the infrastructure together with Level 1 and Level 2 preventive and corrective maintenance of the network including the following:
Downtime on telecom infrastructure is a costly affair for infrastructure companies and creates problems for opera- tors and subscribers. However, the risk of failures and outages at sites due to poor or malfunctioning equipment may be drastically reduced when the condition of the infra- structure is closely monitored and tracked on an ongoing basis. To achieve this, ZIMA GC has developed a technique for auditing the sites by using thermal imaging cameras, anemometers, vibration sensors, clamp meters and noise meters. In combination, these techniques provide the means to thoroughly measure and track the condition and working order of essential equipment.
ZIMA GC’s Project Management Services (PMS) as a special- ized service that provides its clients end-to-end project management services encompassing the entire life cycle of telecom infrastructure implementation – starting from site survey to site integration. ZIMA GC’s Project Manage- ment helps complete compliance and ensures that all issues are strictly managed and controlled to the required specifications. In addition ZIMA GC’s Project Management Services also includes supply of skilled manpower for Project Management activities on time and expenses basis. ZIMAGC PMS teams are extremely focused on complying with the safety and environment aspects of the project.
Operation and maintenance division endeavor to provide dependable, qualitative and responsive solutions to meet customer requirements. The services provided are cost effective. The teams deployed are project specific and well trained with required skills.